If you would be interested in peeking behind the curtain of my coaching business and learning everything I know about being a successful coach, let me know.  Simply submit your information and I will be in touch with you. 

(This is not a sales pitch and as of right now I am not sure I am going to do any training like this in the future at all. I am simply gauging the level of interest for this type of possible future training.)

Dear Coach or Aspiring Coach,

I met Andrew last month. 

He lives full-time in an RV on the same 40 acres where I am staying in my 5th wheel in the New Mexico mountains.

A few weeks ago, Andrew came over to my place and asked, “Are you Kevin? I was told that you are a business and life coach”

When I answered that I was, he said,

“I wondered if you had some pointers about building a coaching company.”

That is the second time in the last month someone has asked me about coaching.

And it suddenly hit me…

“I’ve built a multi-million dollar coaching business and never taught any of that to anyone.”

I also realized that I’ve been blessed to coach many who have told me that they wanted to do what I do or even felt called by God to do some type of coaching or speaking or training others.

So…here I am for the first time ever…opening the door for YOU…if you’ve ever thought about being a coach.

If you would be interested in peeking behind the curtain of my coaching business and learning everything I know about being a successful coach, simply submit your information on this page to let me know.

This is not a sales pitch at all and as of right now, I have nothing to offer in terms of coaches’ training.

I’m reaching out with this email to see how much interest there is in learning how to become a professional coach, speaker, trainer, and/or author.

If your dream is to coach or train or speak…and build that into a 7-figure business that you can sustain year after year…

Or if you just feel called to be a coach or leader or speaker…this opportunity is for you.

I’ve personally generated 8-Figures as a coach…and built a multi-million dollar coaching business that has allowed me to create a great lifestyle doing something I love.

This is specifically for people who have ever aspired to be a coach, trainer, speaker, or author and to build that into a profitable company.

Just thinking about teaching what I know on how to coach has me super fired up!  And I’m thinking maybe there are some of you out there who might be just as fired up to learn what I know from me.  So right now, let me know by clicking on the button above.

Once I get a feel for the level of interest in this, I will be in touch with you to let you know if and when I roll something out for you.

Talk soon,

Kevin Ward

Founder & Coach - YesMasters Real Estate Success Training

Author - #1 Bestseller, The Book of Yes

P.S. Again…at this moment, I am not offering anything for people who are wanting to coach.  This is only to gauge the level of interest in this type of training.  When you Submit your information, you will go onto an exclusive list to receive any future conversation from me if or when I roll anything out on this.

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